
Finding Power in Practice

By May 14, 2018

Note: This post originally appeared on Medium, as part of Justice Funders‘ “Liberate Philanthropy” Blog Series. You can read the original post here.  The foundation world is plagued with a number of inherent challenges that inhibit our ability to do our best work: our own hubris, our lack of proximity to the people we support,…

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The Trump Effect at TWI, and Elsewhere

By April 20, 2017 By Marc Gunther The Trump administration is having an unmistakable impact on philanthropy. That was brought home to me at this month’s Skoll World Forum, notably with the Omidyar Network’s promise to commit $100 million to support independent journalism and combat hate. On a panel about philanthropy, Laleh Ispahani of the Open Society Foundations described the organization’s…

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A Post Election Reflection

By January 15, 2017

The recent election was a disaster that will continue to unfold in the months ahead. Many of our partners and colleagues have written posts that have resonated and give me hope as the outlook gets more grim. In her recent post Pia spoke for me as well, reaffirming our commitment to our mission and values…

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4 Ways to Be a Great Funder Date

By March 30, 2016

The recent article in the New York Times on “The Art of Saying No As a Philanthropist” lifted up, again, how much funder vetting of potential grantees is like dating.   Of course, the odds are skewed to favor funders as the choosers.   As such, TWI would like to offer some dating tips for…

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What’s M.I.A. (Missing In Action) in the GOP Debates?

By March 4, 2016

As last night’s debate demonstrated again, the GOP debates in this 2016 election season look more like ridiculous reality television than robust, complex, and respectful discussion of matters of meaning – particularly in addressing the deep needs and divides of this nation.  One ancient definition of debate is to “smash together” which certainly seems to be…

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