
Common Application: Philanthropy and Increasing Accessibility

By May 5, 2015

What would it be like if foundations didn’t have to be catered to by nonprofits vying for funding for their mission-driven work? Having been a student and researcher for most of my life, in addition to working for several nonprofits, I have done–and will continue to do–many types of applications. While doing certain applications for…

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Beyond the Rockstar Paradigm, Part II

By April 27, 2015

Years ago, I blogged that social movement leadership needed to live into models that do not solely hinge on a single, visionary, rockstar leader. One of TWI’s core partners, Building Movement Project, recently shared some key learning about their commitment to co-leadership.  Many of the points Frances makes resonate strongly with us, in particular the…

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Funders, Bathroom Stalls, and Hegemony: Reflections on a Missed Opportunity to Build Trust

By April 20, 2015

Last week I gathered up TWI’s NYC-based grantees, a couple of funder colleagues, and a couple of consultant friends for a conversation about trust-based grant-making.  I followed many of my own rules, and intentionally stacked the group with mainly women of color leaders and practitioners – folks whose approaches to transforming inequalities were based in…

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The Rockwood Way: Supporting Leaders To Lead

By April 17, 2015

“To change the way change is done… not just in this country, but all around the world.” -Stacy Kono, Director of Programs @ Rockwood Leadership Institute This week I was honored to sit down with Stacy Kono to speak with her about the work of the Rockwood Leadership Institute, as well as her own experiences…

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Equity by Another Name

By April 13, 2015

Asset management lingo feels so different from a philanthropic organization’s programmatic lingo – from “Equity” Valuations to Social, Political and Economic “Equity” – it’s no wonder that attempting to reconfigure investments towards social impact can feel bewildering and mysterious, especially when the world of finances and investments feel so distant from a foundation’s programmatic work….

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